Penambahan Dan Peningkatan Kemahiran Pengkarya Seni Menggunakan Kaedah Tempa Besi

Projek pelapis bertujuan untuk melahirkan individu serta pengamal pembuatan produk besi dengan melengkapkan mereka tambahan pengetahuan pengelolaan besi iaitu kaedah tempa besi selama 12 minggu. Program Amali / Internship Kaedah Tempa Besi Bersama Raja Shahriman Aziddin 11 October – 30 November 2022 Pameran (Kuala Kangsar) 5 – 9 December 2022 Pameran (Kuala Lumpur) 19 – […]

Drumhouse : Honouring a Cultural Heritage

Traditional Teochew music and instruments as well as Teochew opera elements (including elaborate music, costumes, makeup and vocals) to shows the stories with a twist of slightly different take, with the metallic tones of the gamelan, the varying timbre sounds of the shigu drums while drawing on Zamzuriah Zahari’s traditional Kelantanese Mak Yong and Mek […]

The Hearth Brought To Light: A Food-Over-Fire Festival

A program that encompasses history, tradition, customs, arts and the heritage of Sarawak through a pantomime, traditional performing arts edutainment around a full-sized live hearth, followed by a festival featuring the traditional practice of cooking “Food over Fire” at the historical Fort Margherita as the primary public space.

Pentas Seni Merdeka

Pentas Seni Merdeka is a monthly, free, public arts initiative aimed at increasing social equity through public space activation and further poising Downtown KL to become a creative and cultural district. The first edition launched in July 2022 which featured Ronggeng Melayu with a myriad of other activities including workshops, interactive activities, demonstrations, displays, food […]

Menempa Tari Tradisi

Setanggi Tari Melayu merupakan himpunan persembahan tarian klasik dan tarian tradisi masyarakat Melayu kepada masyarakat umum.Tarian Joget Gamelan, Tarian Mengadap Rebab, Tarian Terinai, Silat Tari, Tari Inai, Tarian Joget, Tarian Zapin, Tarian Inang, Tarian Asli serta tari-tari tradisi yang lain akan dipertengahakan dalam projek ini. Event Date :24 Dec 20223.00pm, 8.30pm 25 Dec 20223.00pm VenuePanggung […]

Hikayat Fandom Art, Books & Cultural Showcase (An Exhibition)

Hikayat Fandom Art (An Exhibition) A collaborative efforts between bzBee Consult Sdn Bhd with Hikayat Fandom, JKKN, and MatiC in promoting the legends and illustrations of Hikayat Fandom: Bidasari, Bentala Naga, Puteri Saadong and Seri Gumum, produced by Ninot Aziz and her team of illustrators, Walid Muhammad, Ariyana Ahmad, and Dani Warguide, as an impetus […]

Hikayat Fandom Art, Books & Cultural Showcase (Book Launch)

Hikayat Fandom Art, Books and Cultural Showcase (Book Launch) A collaborative efforts between bzBee Consult Sdn Bhd with Hikayat Fandom, JKKN, and MatiC in promoting the legends and illustrations of Hikayat Fandom: Bidasari, Bentala Naga, Puteri Saadong and Seri Gumum, produced by Ninot Aziz and her team of illustrators, Walid Muhammad, Ariyana Ahmad, and Dani […]

Peranakan Cina Terengganu

60 Days Exhibition on “Lifestyle of Peranakan Cina Terengganu” highlights display of two hundred and fifty items of attire, household items, pictures and poster write ups of this unique ethnic community.