Teater Normcore: Tahun-Tahun Seorang Novelis
TAHUN-TAHUN SEORANG NOVELIS situates between a memory play, text-based abstraction and book readings, oscillating between fiction and reality, based on six novels written by Ridhwan Saidi from 2011 to 2015. The performance will be performed by an ensemble of seven individuals. Actors performing as Ridhwan Saidi will discuss the six novels.
Teater Bermain Puteri
Kisah teater ini menceritakan tentang Keganasan dan Gangguan terhadap wanita, bagi penonton yang menonton mereka akan terkesan dengan mesej dan merubah persepsi dan kelakuan mereka serta membantu wanita. Pementasan teater ini akan menyokong hak wanita serta bertindak sebagai bantuan kepada usaha pihak 2 Kerajaan dan NGO bagi membantu wanita melalui sumbangan cerita dan kewangan.
Taiping Heritage Art Trail
Proposal is for ‘Taiping Heritage Art Trail’ in Taiping Perak. In conjunction with celebrating of 150 years of Taiping in 2024.To introduce the newest interactive full- scale murals with augmented reality (AR) technology – viewing murals comes-alive. They have also received an approval from the local authorities – Majlis Perbandaran Taiping (MPT). With this approval, […]
Restoring Malaysian Old Heritage Photographs To It’s Original Glory
Each families to provide their special family photos to Canvas Art to restore it to its original glory. Beneficiaries will sign up and visit directly to the exhibition at Art Depot @ Balai Seni Negara. It will bring awareness and a sense of belonging to society and through the restored work and can help us […]
Ikat : Motif Kita
This project is designed to revive public awareness and appreciation of Malaysian textile art, especially among the urbanites. The project represent an opportunity to celebrate the multitude of textile makers in Malaysia. This traditional art form will be enhanced with a new media approach, utilizing a 360° video projection art to create immersive content to […]
Pameran Seni Arca KERSANI
The Hearth Brought To Light: A Food-Over-Fire Festival
A program that encompasses history, tradition, customs, arts and the heritage of Sarawak through a pantomime, traditional performing arts edutainment around a full-sized live hearth, followed by a festival featuring the traditional practice of cooking “Food over Fire” at the historical Fort Margherita as the primary public space.
The Black N Red Coffee Table
The Black N Red Coffee Table aims to be a video podcast session which will be featuring worthy local independent musicians from the Northern side of Malaysia (Perlis, Kedah, Pulau Pinang, Perak). It is planned to be a new program made by the studio to interview local musicians to share their musical journey and also […]
MAPO Festival 2022
Projek merupakan satu medium edukasi dan apresiasi masyarakat terhadap seni dan budaya. Pelbagai aktiviti dan program yang turut akan diadakan seperti pertunjukan pentas, bengkel dan klinik, sharing session dan forum, pameran, pertandingan, dan lain-lain lagi. Kesemua bentuk aktiviti ini merangkumi elemen kesenian dan kebudayaan dari yang moden, tradisi, hingga ke kontemporari. Festival ini turut akan […]
The Three Scholars
The project would be a demonstration and inspiration to the traditional performing art practitioners on the potential and possibility of the dying traditional art form. This revitalization will also provide an opportunity for younger generations to understand and appreciate the uniqueness and beauty of traditional art form and folktales. The appreciation will encourage more people […]